Follow the journey of Group 4 of A01-10-S1-2 as we discover how friends and families develop different music preferences, and how it can unite us or lead to conflicts.



Brief Summary of our Live Stream

Coconote’s first ever stream was launched on February 8, 2023. It was a Q&A type of livestream where the streamers talked about the different factors of people’s different music tastes and engaged with the viewers to ask questions to the streamers which were to be answered as well about their topic with 2 halves. It had an average of 93 impressions with 157 views in total with 15 peak views, 5 returning viewers followed by 22 unique viewers. There were some errors during the 2nd intermission where the viewers could hear the streamers prepare for the second part of the Q&A session but later fixed upon notice.

What is well done in our stream ?

In Coconote’s very first stream, The streamers were able to do it with minimal to zero technical difficulties. They were also able to interact well with the audience, and answer their questions. The audience was kept entertained throughout the second half, while their questions were being answered by the members. In the survey conducted on the viewers, 60% of our respondents think that the streamers’ ability to engage with the viewers in their content is excellent. The streamers were also able to properly address the topic and share relevant knowledge about music preferences. From the Streaming Evaluation Feedback form responses, all of the answers are mostly positive. In a question about the streamer’s knowledge about the topic, 73.3% think the streamers’ knowledge is excellent, 20% say it’s good while 7.7% think it's fair.

Areas of opportunities

Coconote’s streamers have room for improvement from their very first stream which is affirmed for reviewing the recorded live-stream. The areas of opportunities that have been determined for the streamers’ improvements that are fixed on the streaming feedback evaluation form. Based on the respondents, the following feedbacks needed to improve on are;

Having the streamers’ camera always open

Sounding more lively

Observe professionalism

Communicating more with each other and viewers

Streamers have already given the feedback more thought and gained more knowledge in streaming over time. "Having the streamers' camera always open" is very undefinable and cannot be fixed immediately due to a slow internet connection. However, it is possible that it can be fixed by only having a low usage rate of devices that are connected to Wi-Fi that consume too much data. “Sounding more lively” and “Observing Professionalism” is a straightforward feedback on the streamers’ communication and language. The streamers will be practicing and better prepare next time to not be too nervous and speak with more confidence and professionalism, and to entertain the viewers and avoid improper language. “Communicating more with each other and viewers” is another challenge that the streamers’ face because some of them are not used to being broadcasted live but with a little confidence, things would go smoothly in the future.
For the overall streaming session, 66.7% of the audience think that it’s excellent while 33.3% say we did a very good job.
The stream lasted for a good amount of time, and within the hour, the streamers were able to discuss our topic well with the audience while helping the viewers gain a new perspective and better understanding about the different music preferences. With regards to the length of the stream, 66.7% rated it excellent, while 33.3% rated it good.

Level of engagement

Coconote’s first stream that lasted for more than an hour, peaked with 22 concurrent viewers, and an average of 15. According to Youtube Analytics, 33.8% of the viewers found the live stream through direct or unknown sources. 30.3% found it through external sources. Among the external sources, 63.6% were from Facebook, 25.5% were from Facebook Messenger, 5.5% were from, and 1.8% were from Discord. There were also 9.1% viewers who found it through browse features, channel pages, youtube search, and others. In YouTube search terms, 77.8% found it through the keyword “coconote”, 3.7% through “coconotes”, and 3.7% through the keyword “q and a”. The stream had 94 impressions, 5 of those impressions viewed the stream, and their average watch time was 0.17. While live, there were a total of 154 chat messages sent. The most chat messages sent during a certain timestamp was on the timestamp 44:00 with 10 chat messages. Since the livestream was published, 100% of the viewers have liked the live stream which resulted in having no dislikes whatsoever.

What could’ve been the reason why our stream has a high/low viewership?

One of the reasons why the stream has a low viewership was because of the lack of promotion. If the streamers had chosen to promote the stream more, the stream would have reached their expected number of viewers. Using different platforms to encourage other people to watch their live stream will make it easier and more possible for them to reach their goal of higher viewership. Additionally, according to YouTube analytics, only 5 of the 94 impressions viewed the stream. Meaning that not everyone who found the stream watched it. The promotional Facebook post reached 188 users, received 57 likes, and 57 post clicks. Out of the 57 post clicks, only 16 clicked the link to the livestream.

Appendix (Tables Graphs & Charts)

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